The development of software services not only involves the mastery of technology, but also creativity and commitment to see the background of what the customer really needs. /
Software /
Web application to manage the estimates that are generated to customers.

Software project developed 100% by Ehecatl team that allows managing several processes within a Notary.

Mobile apps /
Maquiver has a mobile app, aimed at the company’s workers. It’s help them to optimize the operation through digitalization and automation of the process in order to improve the productivity by means of access to MRP system modules, from a mobile device.

BAIC México, is a mobile app that behaves like a personal assistant for customers who purchased a car with the company, which facilitates customer service and optimization of the programming of operations that involve offering a quality service and continuous improvement.

DMTRESS App, is a mobile digital tool, aimed at consumers of lubrication and filtration products in engines, to communicate them about innovations, provide services and validate promotions.

Verificaciones del país, has two mobile apps that allow it to serve internal and external customers as well, in a timely manner in order to provide a better service and optimize the verification processes.

Near You App, is a social tool, that make the entertainment easy, because the app show to the user all the events that could be happening in the moment. Is the best way to be in the right moment when someone is looking for a relaxing time, even thought this app offer promotions, giveaways, free shipping and another kind of profits to the users.

Clean and fixed is a mobile application that connects people who require a domestic service such as cleaning, plumbing, electricity, masonry, etc. with the person offering their services, reducing the gap between employer and employee.

MobilePort is an application designed to monitor port merchandise in real time. This tool is design in order to give a new easy experience to all the users.

Filmmakers is a tool that specifically connects artistic job offers with applicants who meet the specific requirements of the industry. In this platform a community is created where musicians, artists, singers, directors and audiovisual support connect with producers, production houses, investors, and so on. which satisfies a double need.

Noordwijk mobile is an application of the Noordwijk International College that make easy the communication between the educational center and the parents, through the reception of messages related to the activity of the student.

EH CRM mobile, is aimed at companies that seek to increase the results of their comercial operations by digitizing all the steps in the sales cicle, and getting information from their customer relationships, in order to improve the efficiency of their service, products and communication.

Customer support for raising tickets and viewing service status.

EHNOM 35 is a mobile application aimed at all companies that are about to comply with the guidelines of NOM035, since this tool facilitates questionnaires and measurements according to what NOM35 has established.

Public Medical Calculators of different disciplines.

Point of Sale Terminal, Product Catalog, Inventory, Wish List, Orders, Sending Orders to the Back End.

Medical Calculators developed for the Mexican Association of Ecocardiology.

Utility for validation of Mexican electronic invoices, through QR & XML Codes.